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Data Sets

Explore Expenditures. Search, filter, and visualize state spending by fund, type, or department. Currently, the site includes data from 147 departments (totaling 184 business units) representing 76% of state expenditures, updated on a monthly basis. Explore CA Spending button.
Explore Expenditures

Search, filter, and visualize state spending by fund, type, or department. Currently, the site includes data from 147 departments (totaling 184 business units) representing 76% of state expenditures, updated on a monthly basis.

Download Expenditures. View and download all of the data available on this site, to explore on your own computer or build your own visualizations. View spending data button.
Download Expenditures

View and download all of the data available on this site, to explore on your own computer or build your own visualizations.