Confidential and Excluded Vendors

Vendor name information is included in the Vendor Transactions report on Open FI$Cal. While the information in this report is as complete as possible, vendor name is not available for all expenditure transactions and is masked in some situations for which vendor identity must remain confidential. Specifically:

  • Transactions that are not directly entered into FI$Cal’s Accounts Payable (AP) module are not linked to vendor names on Open FI$Cal. These include a number of bulk payments to beneficiaries, payroll payments to state employees, and all transactions for departments that do not use FI$Cal for their accounting. These payments do not appear at all in the Vendor Transactions report, though they do appear (without vendor names) in the other reports on Open FI$Cal..
  • Vendor names for all transactions with state employees are currently masked. While government employee salaries are a matter of public record, certain types of employee payments, such as disability and workers’ compensation payments, as well as payments to undercover employees, are confidential. Out of an abundance of caution, Open FI$Cal is currently masking recipient names for all employee transactions. These payments appear in the Vendor Transactions report with “Confidential” in place of the actual vendor name.
  • Certain payments to vendors are required by law to remain confidential. These payments also appear in the Vendor Transactions report with “Confidential” in place of the actual vendor name. Masked payments for departments currently on Open FI$Cal include:
    • Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery: Certain payments for the Beverage Container, E-Waste, and Used Oil programs pursuant to PRC §§ 14580, 14581, 42476, and 48653.
    • Gambling Control Commission: Certain payments to tribes, cities, and counties pursuant to GOV §12019.55(a), GOV §12019.80, and the tribal-state gaming compact between the State of California and the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria §8.4(c) and (d).
    • High Speed Rail Authority: Relocation payments pursuant to 49 CFR 24.9(b).
    • Office of the State Public Defender: Certain expert contracts pursuant to attorney client privilege as defined in EVID §954 and BPC §6068(e)(1) and §6149.
    • Various Departments: Certain payments related to investigations, intelligence information, or security procedures pursuant to GOV §6254(f).